Employer Engagement

People who lack formal education or skills training certification often encounter barriers in a job search. Without these kinds of credentials, job seekers can have difficulty competing with other applicants and may become discouraged trying to find work. Yet, given the chance, many people are able to learn employable skills on the job. PTP staff build strong, trusting relationships with employers to create these kinds of learning opportunities so that clients can acquire the skills they need to secure good jobs.


Spotting Barriers

An experienced food service worker, Mahmood immigrated to Canada from India about 10 years ago but, once here, he had difficulty finding work. Unemployed for several years and now in middle age, he approached PTP for help in finding a job. The Job Solutions program helped him arrange interviews with several restaurants, but his age and lack of Canadian experience proved to be barriers to landing a job. PTP staff worked with Mahmood to build his confidence and support him with workshops and one-on-one counselling, but his job search remained unsuccessful. He began to lose hope that he would ever find a job.

Seeking Solutions

PTP’s Employment Services team realized that Mahmood might need to expand his job search beyond the food industry, and began to explore options with potential employers in the Job Solutions roster. Before long, they identified a job opportunity with a property management firm looking for a couple to work as assistant building superintendents. While Mahmood’s wife had not previously been part of his job search, she welcomed the opportunity to participate in this application. And when Mahmood mentioned that he would do anything to get the job, because the building was close to a great school and his daughter would have her own bedroom for the first time, PTP staff knew they were on the right track.

By engaging the potential employer in this job search, PTP staff provided a critical link between the job and the job seeker. They were able to demonstrate how Mahmood’s past work experience was transferable to this new industry – and avoid his application being screened out before he had a chance to prove his worth.

Seeing Impact

With the support of PTP staff, Mahmood excelled in the interview and was offered the job of assistant superintendent. Today, he works at the same company, where he and his wife manage another building as its superintendents. PTP’s efforts in engaging the employer paved the way for Mahmood and his wife to secure a sustainable career and a solid future for their family.


Photo of Natasha

148 employers are actively engaged with PTP and seek us out to meet their hiring needs.

25% of those employers are in the Food Services Sector.

! Over 200 of our clients have been hired by these employers over the last 2 years.